Esta casa de acogida está situado en la ladera sur del Castillo de S. Jorge, entrando en un barrio popular de Lisboa, donde predominan las entidades asociadas a las actividades socio-culturales. Chapitô ocupa un espacio mítico de la ciudad, el lugar donde una vez estuvo la famosa Torre de Alfofa, participación popular y por lo tanto el circo ciudadela medieval.
Chapitô is a charity project where its creator was Teresa Ricou. It´s a kind of house where the people who haven´t got anything can go and eat live there. Also ypu cvan do a lot of activities like learn participe in a circus..
It is situated on the southern slope of the Castle of S. Jorge, entering a popular neighborhood of Lisbon, where entities associated with socio-cultural activities. Chapitô takes a mythic space of the city, the place where once stood the famous Tower of Alfofa, popular participation and the medieval circus ciudadela.
Miguel i can't see what you've written in spanish