martes, 8 de octubre de 2013

Palabras a Definir

  • Battering: (Maltrato) Es un término que se utiliza para nombrar el acto que hace un ser vivo hacia otro bruscamente discriminándolo, golpeándolo, etc... Hay varios tipos de maltratos(infantil, psicológico, animal...)
  • Mobbing: (Acoso Laboral) Acción de una persona a otra acosándola verbalmente o físicamente  e influyendo en su trabajo.
  • bullying: (Acoso Escolar) Es una forma de maltrato ya sea verbal, físico o psicológico que se da lugar en los colegios afectando en su carrera como estudiante. 

9 comentarios:

  1. My post is missing..the first one about THE METAPHOR ON THIS SUBJECT. the present post is UTTERLY INCOMPLETE: NO IMAGE, NO TRANSLATION , NO LINKS TO NEWS/VIDEO CLIPS.....FINISH UP!!! ( sorry I´m not shouting...but highlighting... by the way ....use HIGHLIGHTING DEVICES!!!. DON´T CUT AND PASTE!!!

    Change the title....make something schocking!!!

  2. I think you should add some gadgets and fill your perfil. You should try to make your blog alive :)

  3. I think you should put some photos or videos. I also think that you have to highlight the title and the specific words you have mention in your blog to talk about the violence, it could be fine:)

  4. hellow miguel angel , i think that your post it´s quite short and it hasn´t anything, i should you to add some gadgets to decorate your blog

  5. not bad but you can do this better , put some highlights!

  6. It is so short, and such a boring blog... Try to make it better, I am sure you can:)

  7. My God!!!!!! your class mates are telling you all!!!! well some posts are missing... and the post you did doesn´t meet requirements..... tomorrow in class I want to speak to you....!!!Profile and three two posts are missing!!!!. You must rpovide with BLOGGERS ADDRESS AND SOME MORE INFORMATION... don´t forget!!!
